1.0 Social Intro Programme

An introductory programme recommended if you have no pressure to speak the language fluently. However you want to learn the language as a courtesy factor to foreign colleagues, partners and clients.

Suitable for absolute beginners, re-beginners, basic / intermediate speakers who want to revisit the basics and be more proficient in the most common social situations.

Learning modules:

1.1 Social essentials

Programme length: 20 sessions / 10 weeks or 20 weeks
Overview: Socialising. Personal details. Expressing and asking for time. Daily life and routine. Eating out. Both language and cultural aspects are covered in all programmes.
Key outcomes:
  • yesYou’ll be able to introduce yourself professionally and get by with meetings and greeting scenarios, welcoming visitors.
  • yesYou’ll be able to have a straightforward conversation on everyday life and plans, arrange and schedule meetings and visits and talk about suitable times.
  • yesYou’ll be able to express understanding and ask for clarification in case of possible misunderstandings.
  • yesYou’ll be able to ask for or reserve a table at a restaurant or café, order and pay for food and drinks, and know about customs around food and eating out.
“Surprise your partners with your new found language and cultural skills.”

1.2. Social basics

Programme length: 20 sessions / 10 weeks or 20 weeks
Overview: Shopping for everyday essentials. Staying at hotels. Ordering and paying for services. Traveling and getting around. Interests and hobbies – both work- related and personal. Both language and cultural aspects are covered in all programmes.
Key outcomes:
  • yesYou’ll be able to purchase everyday essentials when out on a visit.
  • yesYou’ll be able to get around town and find your way in a building.
  • yesYou’ll be able to ask for help and understand instructions and guidance.
  • yesYou’ll be able to express your likes and dislikes, preferences.
  • yesYou’ll be able to express your intentions, your hopes and feelings.
  • yesYou’ll be able to invite someone for a drink or a visit, offer food and drinks, accommodate them, give advice and helping hand.
  • yesYou’ll be able to accept or reject and invitation in a culturally appropriate way.
“Make a great impression and get by in the most common situations you’re likely to encounter.”

1.3. Social confident

Programme length: 20 sessions / 10 weeks or 20 weeks
Overview: Daily life and routine – past events and happenings. Work and occupation. Some current affairs and events. Persuasion. Voicing opinions, agreement and disagreement. Both language and cultural aspects are covered in all programmes.
Key outcomes:
  • yesYou’ll be able to talk about past happenings and experiences, future plans and promises.
  • yesYou’ll be able to have a basic conversation on what you do and what your everyday working life looks like.
  • yesYou’ll be able to follow a discussion by native speakers, and get the gist of emails and what’s being said around you.
  • yesYou’ll be able to express your opinions on certain topics you are familiar with and that matter to you.
  • yesYou’ll be able to convince someone of your point of view in a basic way.
“Show how much it really matters to you to speak and understand the language and culture of your partners.”


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